Here's our update for concert week.
1. Homework from Lisa: Practice ! Practice! Practice! Pay attention to words. Watch dynamics! I got caught barreling in on an entrance last night in Promise of Living that was supposed to be soft. Fix your trouble spots. (We all know what we need to work on.)
Dynamics help for those who don't read music:
pp or ppp = extremely soft
p = very soft
mp = soft
mf = medium sound
f = loud
ff or fff = very loud
2. Please arrive at Elim Park at 7:15pm on Friday. We will begin promptly at 7:30pm. We will run the entire concert as we will give it on Sunday. No stopping to fix anything. This is out time to hear ourselves in the performance space, hear the 4 hand piano pieces with both pianists, hear the violinist and work with the sound guy. As I tell my students all the time, we need to listen, pay attention to the teacher (Lisa) and keep the chatterboxes closed. This will get us all home at a reasonable hour.
Concert Information will be in the comments.
See you on Friday!